When is the time smelling good is bad? -- if the cologne you will be using is a stolen item.
Former American Idol Season 7 contestant Chikezie Eze was arrested at Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills for felony identity theft. He was buying cologne using stolen credit card. (Feb. 25)
He posted $50,000 bail for his released.

Former American Idol Season 7 contestant Chikezie Eze was arrested at Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills for felony identity theft. He was buying cologne using stolen credit card. (Feb. 25)
According to TMZ, "Chikezie Eze was at Neiman Marcus in Beverly Hills when he allegedly tried to use "fraudulent means"
"Chikezie told us earlier today he used a Neiman's credit card with his name on it to purchase two bottles of cologne, but we've now learned the store flagged the plastic as a "stolen credit card."
He posted $50,000 bail for his released.

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