Thursday, December 4, 2008

Brad Pitt at CNN’s Larry King (video)

In a remote interview, CNN’s Larry King interviewed Brad Pitt and they talk about his family, President-elect Obama and many more..

Here's some highlights:

Brad on the public attention with his family: “I’ve stopped thinking about it, really. I mean, I don’t know. There are certainly people I’m interested in. It’s quite complimentary. But, you know — and I think it is an interesting family. It’s not your usual family.

Brad on President-elect Barack Obama:
Oh, man. I think, overnight, we redefined what America’s about. I couldn’t be any happier and more hopeful for the–for America, for the upcoming–in the upcoming years.

Brad on how his kids keep him young: I have so many. No, man, it wears you out. Are you kidding? I’m aging fast.

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