Joel Madden was surprised for the support that he is receiving after he tweets the tattoo incident that happened before boarding British Airways flight. He thanks the people and explained via his blog that even if he was embarrassed by BritAir employees, it isn't his style to cause a scene and he is glad Nicole and Harlow weren't with him.
On the said BritAir tattoo incident, Joel twittered that he “Was just told by a british air person I can’t get on the plane till I cover my tatts. Should I fight the power?”
And the end he decided to wear a long sleeved shirt on so he could board the plane and makes his flight.

Joel blogged, "Wow. I really didn't not intend for me twittering about my BritAir tattoo incident to get so much attention. At the end of the day who really cares if i make my flight or not? I was mostly laughing about it as i thought most of the people who follow me on twitter would too. A few of the other BA employees were just as surprised as i was. But it was their manager and for some reason i could not file a complaint there. They gave me a little card to fill out. But like i said it really isn't my style to cause a scene, so ultimately it would be up to me to complain, and i'm not going to file one. I will say I'm glad Nicole and Harlow weren't with me, then i really would have been embarrassed. At the end of the day it's as simple as not using the airline, not really worth me going on and on about beyond this. So i hope that is enough for everyone on twitter, no need to get worked up about it. Pretty insane all from a couple twitter posts from my cell phone huh? Thank you all for the concern.
On the said BritAir tattoo incident, Joel twittered that he “Was just told by a british air person I can’t get on the plane till I cover my tatts. Should I fight the power?”
And the end he decided to wear a long sleeved shirt on so he could board the plane and makes his flight.
“Yes i covered up to board the BA flight. I didn’t want to miss it. And honestly i was embarrassed all the people were staring and laughing!”
“Its not my style to cause a scene I just had a convo with the BA guy told him how it was discrimination. I’m gonna write a letter!!”

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