Saturday, December 6, 2008

Taylor Swift sings “White Horse” in Jay Leno show and announced that she needs a boyfriend (video)

The lovely Taylor Swift visits The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and she performs her new hit song “White Horse.”

In her short interview, she talks about her upcoming birthday and Christmas Tree farm.

About her upcoming 19th birthday: “Yes! I’m gonna celebrate with my band and have an end of the year party. And I need new glasses. And a boyfriend! (smiles)”

Jay Leno ask if she grow in a Christmas Tree farm. She answered, “Yes! I did [grow up on a Christmas Tree farm], so this is a good season for me. I was too young to help with the hauling of the trees up the hills and putting them onto cars. So, it was my job to pull off the preying mantis pods off of the Christmas trees."

"The problem with that is if you leave them on there, people bring them into their house. I forgot to check one time and they hatched all over these people’s house. And there were hundreds of thousands of them. And they had little kids, and they couldn’t kill of them because that’d be a bad Christmas.”

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