Saturday, August 9, 2008

Tropic Thunder on Entertainment Weekly

The three amigos Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey Jr. talks about their latest movie Tropic Thunder on Entertainment Weekly.

Tropic Thunder is hitting the theaters on 13th of August.

Some interview snippets:

Ben, by all accounts you really push your actors hard as a director.
STILLER: The thing is, these are genius actor guys, but they do go off on their own little... You have to corral them. But you're right, I would look back on the footage and I'd go, like, This was a little excessive.

Robert, what went through your mind when you first got hit with the idea of playing a character in blackface?
DOWNEY: I felt like, I want to work with Ben and Jack, but my way into the movie is I've got to be tarred and feathered for three months and maybe have my reputation destroyed. That was my fear. And then we started doing makeup tests, and it was like Mr. Potato Face: ''Can we take that wig off and put these teeth in? Now put this on. Now put that on.'' But by the time we were finally in rehearsals, I knew I had it.

Do you have a high tolerance for humiliation or is it something you can tap into just in your work?
ROBERT DOWNEY JR.: I have been so wantonly, flagrantly humiliated [in my personal life] that anything that could happen as a result of a movie doesn't even register.
STILLER: Yeah, it's definitely been a part of my career. We've all gone for that guava. But I don't know if anybody has a high tolerance for it personally or enjoys it.

Visit EW for the full article...

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