Friday, August 8, 2008

John Edwards Admits Affair with Rielle Hunter, Denies Love Child

Senator John Edwards repeated denials on his affair with Rielle Hunter backfires in his face. Jon Edwards finally admitted that his indeed had a sexual affair with Webepisodes producer Rielle Hunter.

Although John admitted about his infidelity, he still denies fathering the child of Rielle Hunter. In a statement, he is willing to take a paternity test to prove that he is not father.

The Senator is living a lie and betraying his wife Elisabeth Edwards, family and the Democratic party. It is a wrong move to run a high public office with the affair is still on..

With his admission the National Enquirer hits a home run with their exclusive reports. The National Enquirer first reported the allegations in October and published a new report in July on an incident between the tabloid’s reporters and Edwards at a Beverly Hills hotel where Hunter and her child reportedly were staying.

Check out Senator John Edwards' Statement about his extra marital affair

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