Saturday, August 2, 2008

Joey De Leon reacts to "wrong" report and he ask GMA Network to Ban the columnist

Actor-comedian and Eat Bulaga host Joey De Leon gave a big blows by his strong words and threat to the journalist/Editor who reported that Eat Bulaga Grand Fiesta in L.A. was a flop.

Joey explained in Startalk that the thing that makes him mad is when the said columnist quoted saying "the source came from a GMA Executive". In that point Joey challenge the columnist to name the executive and he will forgive the columnist and he will give him a free 2 plane tickets to USA and $5,000 pocket money.

And If the said columnist will not name the executive, Joey gave another challenge to his mother station (GMA Network) that if the said columnist will be invited in any GMA press conference or any activities, he will resign to all GMA Shows except for Eat Bulaga. In Short, GMA Network must BAN the columnist.

video courtesy of GMA

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