The caped crusader has joined the crusade in promoting the low fat milk. Batman (The Dark Night) is the latest superhero to support and spread awareness on the importance of drinking low fat milk. He also wears the famous milk mustache on this “Body by Milk” campaign.
Miley Cyrus, Amanda Bynes, Rihanna, Hayden Panettiere are some of the celebrities who support this campaign.
June 1 is the scheduled launch of this ad and The Dark Knight movie opens on July 18.

Miley Cyrus, Amanda Bynes, Rihanna, Hayden Panettiere are some of the celebrities who support this campaign.
On the said Got Milk Ad are this taglines:
“Others reload. Batman refuels. Research suggests that milk’s unique mix of nutrients can help athletes recover after exercise. And its protein can help build muscle. So train hard and drink lowfat or fat free milk, because the Batmobile isn’t the only thing that needs to refuel.”
June 1 is the scheduled launch of this ad and The Dark Knight movie opens on July 18.

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