Monday, February 23, 2009

Kristen Stewart not dating Robert Pattinson: "Rob and I are good friends"

Kristen Stewart insisted that her intimate romance on screen with Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson will stay on screen and for the off screen part, it's another story.

On the latest Nylon issue (March 2009), Kristen said that she's not dating Robert Pattinson.
“It’s just totally false… Rob and I are good friends. We went through a lot together, so we feel very close. But if we go out in public, every little detail is scrutinized, like the way I stand next to him. And it’s like, I know this guy really fucking well [laughs]. It’s only natural that we’re sort of leaning on each other, because we’re put in the most fucking psychotic situations.”
As the twilight fever continues, the Twilight sequel "New Moon" due release is on November 20, 2009. The third installment which is "Eclipse", was set to be release on June 30, 2010.

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