Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hayden Panettiere criticize and fires back at the Japanese Goverment

It's all about dignity and passion for Hayden Panettiere.

It is after the Japanese governments sent a letter to the "Heroes " Star about the save the dolphins and whale mission.

Hayden Panettiere spoke about her Save the Whales campaign at the Forecast Earth Summit by The Weather Channel Friday night in Washington, D.C. She criticize the Japanese Government especially Fisheries Agency.
She told press, “To say that Japan is carefully managing marine living resources for the future is a joke...In regard to dolphins and whales, Japan’s blatant disregard for these species is unfathomable. Japan is cruelly and needlessly butchering over 20,000 dolphins and other small cetaceans every year...Your scientists can’t even tell the difference between a marine mammal and a fish. Do you realize how ignorant Japan looks to the rest of the world?”

Many are saying she is the new Angelina Jolie. And in she said,"I would take that. She was definitely one of my inspirations growing up and she was definitely somebody I looked up to.”

more pics after the jump....

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