Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ashlee Simpson, Alicia Silverstone, & Connie Britton in Redbook

Glamorous and looking happily contented, checkout Melrose Place’s Ashlee Simpson, actress Alicia Silverstone and Friday Night LightsConnie Britton on the upcoming October “20s, 30s, 40s” cover of REDBOOK magazine.

Here's some highlights of their interview:

Ashlee on whether she ever envies Jessica for being “free”: “I really don’t. She’s always saying, ‘Oh, I want a baby!’ Being a mom’s so empowering and incredible. I’m one of those people who believes that life brings things to you at a certain time for a certain reason, and if you just go with it, that’s where the best moments come from.”

Ashlee on how having Bronx changed her: “I’ve grown up so much. The great thing about being pregnant is that you have nine months and it really does prepare you. Your body is changing, and it’s such an amazing time to feel that connection. I did prenatal yoga, which was a nice way to mellow down and focus on me and Bronx. Being pregnant was the healthiest I’ve ever been in my life. Except for the cupcakes.”

Alicia on her role model: “I love Susan Sarandon. She’s such a sexy, sassy, sophisticated woman—and playful. She’s such a great example of what a hot woman is.”

Connie on aging and how she stays in shape: “I’m in an environment where I have a lot of information about how to stay healthy and live a good life. I love vegan and raw food, I love to exercise. If I weren’t in this business, I think I would be aging differently. I’m fortunate because, for whatever reason, I’ve never looked at myself as, Oh, my gosh, I have to be the most beautiful. I’ve always worked from the inside out, not the outside in.”

Connie on n marriage and her Friday Night Lights co-star Kyle Chandler: “It’s been fun playing this role on Friday Night Lights. Kyle’s a great TV husband. We have so many conversations about partnership and what that means to us, what our values are. We have the same perspective on conflicts and where we need to make sure we are grounded and have solidarity. Choosing to be in a monogamous relationship is one of the greatest challenges of being a human being. I have a much less conventional view about it now. It’s about the partnership and the choice to make a commitment.”

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