Sunday, January 13, 2008

Katherine Heigl is Cosmo's February 2008 covergirl.

Grey's Anatomy star Katherine Heigl was named Fun, Fearless Female of the Year in Cosmopolitan February 2008 issue. She also tell some of her bedroom secrets and her sex life in this issue.

Heigl on her husband:
“Josh came into my life and I realized, Oh my God, you’re someone I can really trust and go to when things are hard. To have that in a partner is huge.”

On her diva moments:
“That’s not to say there aren’t moments when I’m a diva. Everybody has bad moments … There are people in my life who keep me grounded, so I couldn’t behave that badly, even if I wanted to.”

She talks about how sex got "10 times better" when she married Josh Kelley:
Heigl said, "Our sex life has always been phenomenal, but I think it is 10 times better than it was. We understand each other better. It's just a whole different ball game . . . You feel sheltered in the moment, whether you're being wild and crazy and you're doing your striptease or it's just more mellow."

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