Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dr. Phil was sued by former patient (sexual assault)

If David Letterman's sexual extortion scandal is brewing in favor of him even though he admits having a relationship with his staff, another old guy is in the hot seat for sexual assault.

Former therapy patient named Shirley Dieu filed sexual assault charges against Dr. Phil, claiming that she was held captive by Dr. Phil inside his production offices, forced her to stare at a naked man and then grabbed her left breast.
According to TMZ, the documents stated that in 2007 "Dr. Phil tried to "brainwash" her and force her to endure all sorts of physical and emotional abuse.

Phil forced her to "be in the same room with a completely naked live man while he exposed his entire naked body, genitals and all."

Shirley alleges she tried to escape the building, but "was blocked by the staff to prevent her from leaving."

Phil "touched her left breast during her therapy session."
Shirley Dieu will need heavy convincing evidence to prosecute Dr. Phil. If the incident happened in 2007, many people will surely question why she waited this long?

If the alleged incident is true, Dr. Phil gave a creepy manipulation to his patient.

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