Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Philippine Government and PMA demand an apology from "Desperate Housewives" producers and Online Petition Started

The Philippine Government and Philippine Medical Association (PMA) has voiced its displeasure over the remarks considered as a racial slur against Philippine medical schools in the hit American television series “Desperate Housewives."

The line was delivered by actress Teri Hatcher's character, Susan Mayer, in the show's Season 4 premier episode.

In the scene where Mayer was being examined by a doctor, she asked for the man's credentials and said: "Can I check those diplomas 'coz I just want to make sure that they're not from some med school in the Philippines."

Watch the Video Clip and Read the Online Petition After the Jump

Shame on the writers. I do blame the writer for overlooking a statement that has now been interpreted as a racial slur. Writers should be more sensitive.

This kind of racial slur is a very irresponsible act and should NEVER be tolerated in any society, whether in a first world or a third world country.

Filipino Americans has started a Online Petition
Total Signatures : 17104 and growing

To the producers of “Desperate Housewives” and ABC:

We are writing to express concern and hurt about a racially-discriminatory comment made in an episode of Desperate Housewives on 9/30/07. In a scene in which Susan was told by her gynecologist that she might be hitting menopause, she replied, “Can I just check those diplomas because I just want to make sure that they are not from some med school in the Philippines.”

As members and allies of the Filipino American community, we are writing to inform know that this type of derogatory remark was discriminatory and hurtful, and such a comment was not necessary to maintain any humor in the show. Additionally, a statement that devalues Filipinos in healthcare is extremely unfounded, considering the overwhelming presence of Filipinos and Filipino Americans in the medical field. Filipinos are the second largest immigrant population in the United States, with many entering the U.S. (and successfully passing their U.S. licensing boards!) as doctors, nurses, and medical technicians. In fact, the Philippines produces more U.S. nurses than any other country in the world. So, to belittle the education, experience, or value of Filipino Americans in health care is extremely disrespectful and plain and simply ignorant. Many of the hospitals in major metropolitan areas of the U.S. (and the world) would not be able to operate without its Filipino and Filipino American staff members.

As Filipino Americans and allies, we band together to ensure that this type of hateful message should not be allowed to continue on our television and radio airwaves. Given the recent amounts of media attention that has been given to Michael Richards (against African Americans), Isaiah Washington (against gays), and Rosie O’Donnell (against Asian/ Chinese Americans), it is ridiculous that this type of hateful speech made it through various screenwriters, the show’s producers, the show’s actors, and ABC itself.

We demand a public apology to the Filipino American community, and we demand the episode be edited to remove the ignorant and racist remark. We will not allow hateful messages against our community (or any other oppressed community) to continue.


The Undersigned

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